Keweenaw peninsula aerial view

never far

to everywhere or nowhere

For most Yoopers, in minutes after leaving work they can kayak, bike, ski, fish or just breathe in the world.

According to, the average commute time for the entire Western Upper Peninsula is 17 minutes.

never far

to everywhere or nowhere

For most Yoopers, in minutes after leaving work they can kayak, bike, ski, fish or just breathe in the world.

According to, the average commute time for the entire Western Upper Peninsula is 17 minutes.

person running on trail

U.P. Professionals

ooze grit and determination

Rugged. Remote. Mountains of snow. Valleys of wild berries. The U.P. can be extreme as the people who live here.

We crave adventure and fresh air – it’s fuel for our innovation.

U.P. Professionals

ooze grit and determination

Rugged. Remote. Mountains of snow. Valleys of wild berries. The U.P. can be extreme as the people who live here.

We crave adventure and fresh air – it’s fuel for our innovation.

snowy owl

from neighborhoods to

wild neighbors

Vast home choices. From affordable to spectacular. All in a region with priceless lifestyle opportunities.

Beautiful “in-town” neighborhoods:

  • Houghton average listing = $148k
  • Marquette average listing = $164k
  • Keweenaw average listing = $200k

from neighborhoods to

wild neighbors

Vast home choices. From affordable to spectacular. All in a region with priceless lifestyle opportunities.

Beautiful “in-town” neighborhoods:

  • Houghton average listing = $148k
  • Marquette average listing = $164k
  • Keweenaw average listing = $200k
man on beach with laptop

Stay connected

until you want to disconnect

Despite 8.4 million acres of pristine forests, more than 75% of the region has access to high-speed internet and cell phone coverage. You can work from the world’s best backyard. And when you want to disconnect, we have that too.​

Stay connected

until you want to disconnect

Despite 8.4 million acres of pristine forests, more than 75% of the region has access to high-speed internet and cell phone coverage. You can work from the world’s best backyard. And when you want to disconnect, we have that too.​